Each person’s journey is their own...
Our destination is the same:
Knowledge, Wisdom, Enlightenment, and the unbiased Search for Truth.
To exemplify to the world the
Conscious Affirmative Living Mindset.

To Empower and Emancipate humanity, in the name of planetary peace
and joyful living, through Unbiased Research into Truth and by Example of
Embodiment, Application, and Mastery of the
Conscious Affirmative Living Mindset

-To be an Inclusive, Affirming, Tuition-Free educational body.
-To 'Search For Truth' through open dialogue and unbiased study.
-To study the Conscious Affirmative Living Mindset through Spiritual-Mind-Science.
-To dedicate oneself to honest introspection, self-possession, and spiritual discipline.
-To set prime examples of humility, empathy, compassion, humanity, and service.
-To offer spiritual support to those in need, and to those on their spiritual journey.
-To never impose doctrine beyond the view that all are loved by one deity.
-To Give, Grow & Go by giving to, and learning with, our community.
-To recognize that all people are created equally, and equally loved by God.
-To recognize that all things are living, connected, have a purpose, and are precious.
-To support, protect, and defend children and vulnerable adults; always and in all ways.
-To recognize truths residing at the heart of all faiths.

C  .  A  .  L  .  M
A Philosophy - A Lifestyle - A Mindset